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Electrical House Panels are the “brain” of your home

Residential Service

If your home was a person, your electrical panel would be the “brain” (stay tuned to our Blog for more about that).

The state of your panel says a lot about your home’s overall electrical health and organization.

Is yours telling you that it’s not feeling so good, or that it looks like it doesn’t know if it’s coming or going? Or maybe it’s speaking an ancient language that you can’t even understand. Time to let Nu-Tek Electric take a look for you.

From Surge Protection to service upgrade… Fuse box replacement to just adding a couple breakers… Nu-Tek has the best tech and the best talent to upgrade your panel and clear your home’s head.

See what we did there?

Book Your Service Call now and let Nu-Tek Electric LIGHT UP YOUR SMILE! (and maybe your home’s, too)

Brain with electrical plug


Q: What is “Surge Protection” anyway?

A: Surge Protection is probably what you think it is. It protects your electrical system, electronics, and appliances from damage in the event of voltage spikes caused by weather or grid problems.

Whole-Home Surge Protection can be pretty simple to do… often by simply adding it to other projects. It can save you a TON of money. Plus, it can even prolong the life of your electronic devices by up to 30%!